
Saturday, 25 October 2014

40 Beauty Questions Tag.

Hello dolls!
I'm feeling the love when it comes to my blog lately, hence the amount of posts I've been putting up (which is probably just the norm for everyone else but it's good for me!) I've even been scheduling my posts, like if you'd have asked me about scheduling posts a few weeks ago I wouldn't have had a clue!
I'm getting more into blogging now I have a clear idea of my content. I'm really happy with it at the minute. I'm kind of getting into a routine, but I haven't got one for definite yet. What I'm hoping to do is definitely post once a week, then when I have the time put another one up in-between, something like a life in the day or a tag. Like this post!
I seen this tag on the internet the other day and decided to do it, just because I love doing them and they're a bit of fun.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

What I Bought in Malta | Haul.

Hello dolls!
Another holiday related post here, but still keeping in theme with my blog, I thought I'd show you what I bought in Malta. I got some presents for my friend Heather, a few bits for my boyfriend and a couple of things for myself because I just couldn't resist!

Friday, 17 October 2014

Malta - a week in photos.

Hey dolls,
so if you follow me on Twitter or Instagram (if not i'll leave my links at the bottom) then you're probably aware by my vast amount of photos posted that I've recently been to Malta. I went last year and took my laptop with me, so I was blogging every day. But this time, I just wanted a nice break from work, uni and blogging, so I decided to leave the laptop behind and catch up on posts now I'm home.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

A Day In The Life | Day Out In Sunderland.

Aloha dolls,
So I know my posts have been non existent since April, but after a few months off I want to get back into blogging.
I wanted to try a new kind of post - a day in the life. I know this isn't new in the blogging world, but it's just something new for me that I wanted to try. I like to include content that I would like seeing myself, and these kinds of posts are my favourite as I love being nosy!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Boots & Superdrug Collective Haul.

Hello dolls,
I've decided to do this collective haul of things I've bought over the past couple of weeks, and share with you what I've purchased from both Boots and Superdrug. I haven't used all of these, but I'll share my opinions on things that I have.

Monday, 17 March 2014

The TMI Tag.

Hello dolls!
For today's blog post I've decided to jump on the band wagon and do the TMI tag, which has been done by many bloggers and Youtuber's already. So I'll get straight to it!

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Blogger Firsts | Beauty Edition.

Hey dolls,
it's been a while since I've done a tag, and the lovely Jess over at Dungarees And Donuts tagged me to do my blogger firsts, the beauty edition! I love the idea behind the tag, and it's like nothing I've done before and I love reminiscing about when I first started my blog.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Current Beauty Favourites.

Hey dolls!
Since it's been a while since I last blogged, I thought I'd do my current beauty favourites. I haven't really done a post like this before, so I thought I'd do one. It's all my makeup favourites I've been using and loving for the past couple of months and thought I'd share it with you guys.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

An Absence Apology.

Hello strangers!
I know what you're thinking, and I know I haven't been here since New Years Eve! Sorry for not blogging lately, but things have been craaazy busy.
If you're applying for university this year, you'll know the UCAS deadline has gone, and the universities are starting to send out interviews and offers. As it turns out, I've been invited for two interviews and I already have two conditional offers! So I've been busy at college making sure I've been doing as much work as possible to ensure I get the points for my offers, and preparing my portfolio and myself for my interviews.
I kept getting a guilty feeling after neglecting my blog for over a month, but I just didn't have the time. I'll definitely be back with a few posts in the near future. I'm not sure what, but I'm gonna take some photos today and schedule some posts to go up during this week.
Hope you're all well, and I'll be back on track in these next few weeks with frequent posts again, so watch this space!
Love you guys, B x